Bravo, Vanesa

Análisis que Vanesa realiza sobre el poema "Ítaca", de Kavafis.

It refers to the poem of Homer, The Odyssey. Odysseus or Ulysses, the hero, left Ithaca to go to the Trojan War. After the war, when he travelled back to his home, punished by the gods for creating the procedure to destroy Troy, the hero underwent many incidents in his journey back to Ithaca.
This poem is a journey, the journey of life and your experiences and your searches. Ithaca is the end, is the answer and the stillness and stagnation.
We all have to Poseidon and the Cyclops within us
  but it is sad that when the search ends, it is too late, we're old.
Ithaca is life. This consists of departures and arrivals, each an adventure, sensations and experiences. At the end if we have this humble attitude of reaping the rewards of each step, we will understand the meaning of Ithaca. A taste without fear of the road. Better if it lasts many years.
Kavafis was able to make a simply beautiful poems, because talking about the mythical story of Ulysses, but interpreting it from the true meaning of life.

The poet managed to convey through his poem the meaning of Ithaca, the meaning of life, the good and bad things are happening to us and makes us learn, fall down, get up and move on looking to the future with eyes open but without forgetting the past that has made us as we are today. If you live each day with enthusiasm, if we are able to enjoy every moment, to get out the positive side all things are at the end of our lives, when they finally reach the shores of Ithaca we longed to look back and feel satisfied and proud of what we have done, both good and bad.

Vanesa.   :)