Catherine, assistant teacher from Canada, organized this activity. Before the lecture, José Antonio Padilla introduced Eni to some of the teacher at our school. |
Our students participated actively and showed as usual a great enthusiasm for the Comenius Project at Reino Aftasida school. |
Enikö is a brilliant speaker and is fluent both in English and in Spanish. What a machine! |
Thanks very much! |
Eni, an Erasmus student from Debrecen, kindly accepted our invitation to visit our school and talk about her country and about her experience here in Badajoz, wehre she is implementing her studies on Biology.
¿De dónde provienes? She comes from Hungary. ¿Dónde está? Hungary is in the center of Europe. ¿Cómo te llamas? Enikö Ilona Bernath. ¿Cómo se pronuncia? Enikö [Enicus]. ¿En qué se diferencia Hungría de España? There are more parties in Spain. ¿Cuál es vuestra opinión sobre los españoles? Spanish people love the party, and they are cheerful and cool. Really, Badajoz is similar to Hungary. They have university too, but the weather is different (about 10 ºC in Winter and 30 ºC in Summer). Spain is more warm than Hungary. ¿Cuál es tu comida española favorita? Tortilla y jamón ibérico. ¿Por qué estás en España? She is in Spain because she decided it. She is in Spain for practise the language and meet people (6 years in Spain). She is in a ERASMUS project. ¿Cuál es el baile típico de Hungría? She doesn't know, she believes the American music is very popular at Hungary. ¿Cómo se llama vuestra moneda? Currency's name is FORINT. ¿Cómo viviste el desastre del lodo? She was in Sapin when the disaster happened. Spanish people don't know anything about Hungary before the disaster. ¿Cuál es el deporte favorito en vuestro país? Football and waterpolo are our favourite sports. ¿Cómo celebráis la Navidad allí? Christmas celebration is different at Hungary, they don't have `Reyes Magos´. Sta. Claus comes two times (24 of December and 6 of January). ¿Cómo celebráis Halloween allí? We don't celebrate Halloween, is an ugly day. ¿Cuál es vuestra comida típica? The typical food is the Gulash. ¿Qué es el Gulach? Beef with potatoes, carrots, and lots of spices. ¿Cómo es el relieve de Hungría? Hungary has a lot of plains. ¿Qué ciudades de España has visitado? Barcelona (it was amazing), Majorca, etc... ¿Cuál es vuestra situación económica actual? We lost a lot of posibilities in Europe with our crisis. ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre la política española? She doesn't know anything. ¿Qué países has visitado? She was in Turkey, Tunisia, etc... ¿Cuál es vuestra ciudad más grande? Budapest ¿Y la segunda? Debrecen (her city, with a population of 250000)