ADAPTED FROM : Richard Burks'
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The economy of Hungary
Kittrell’s Best, Inc. has chosen your company to investigate whether or not it is economically feasible to open a new business in Hungary. Your team of economic experts will investigate the government and economy of different countries and make a presentation on your findings to the president and board of directors of your company.
Your team will investigate the following information on a selected country to help you with your presentation and decision:
1. Type of government
2. Economy
3. How citizens have been affected by their government and economic system
4. Top five natural Resources
Types of Economies and governments (Use these sites to define the different types of governments and economies.)
Each team will consist of a government expert, an economist, a geographer, and a culturalist. After your research is complete, your group will complete:
1. A chart of the imports and exports for the past ten years
2. A PowerPoint presentation showing how the government affects the economy and culture
3. A bar graph of the natural resources
4. A prediction of future economy growth
5. A group presentation comparing this country to America
6. A decision explaining whether to expand into the country using a persuasive argument
Charts and graphs can either be computer generated or student made on poster board. Group presentations and decisions should be in written format using a word processor.
Businesses around the world must have accurate information to make informed decisions. You have discovered that different types of governments impact the economy of a country. The economy of a country affects the lifestyle of the citizens of that country.
You must take into account that no country’s economy can exist on it’s own. Trade between countries, interdependence, is a major process in the growth and development of a strong economy.
El resultado de tu trabajo se publicará en un blog que previamente has creado en la plataforma Blogger, para la que necesitas una cuenta @gmail. com de Google.